OSM QA tiles

OpenStreetMap data as Mapbox Vector Tiles in an MBTiles file for data analysis.

NOTE: This service has been discontinued. Historic data will be preserved for the time being. If you wish to take on the processing infrastructure required to produce these tiles, please reach out.


  • (almost) unsimplified geometries
  • all OpenStreetMap tags
  • additional properties like changeset, time, and user ids
  • zoom 12
  • no buffer around individual tiles

In combination with a tile-based processing framework like TileReduce, OSM QA tiles allow for fast and parallelized analysis. You can use OSM QA tiles to conflate OpenStreetMap with other datasets, detect bugs like connectivity issues and monitor for vandalism.

Does not include:

  • Relations
  • Untagged nodes that aren't part of a way

Closed ways are represented as either LineString or Polygon geometries, depending on their tags.

This service is provided by Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team, and originally developed by Mapbox. If you have ideas to improve it, get in touch!

© OpenStreetMap contributors, licensed under the ODbL.

Created with minjur and tippecanoe.

updated weekly