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Filter by Tag III? Improve page

“Well isn’t that better? Shorter and easier to work with.”

“You know, I’ve been waiting for you for quite a while, I’m hungry! Since my GPS doesn’t really seem to be all that reliable, would you mind looking for a place near me where I can eat?”

  1. Bob is looking for a near place where he can eat.
  2. Let’s find a restaurant for him. Restaurants are amenities, so restaurants are tagged as [amenity=restaurant].
  3. But wait! How do we query for restaurants near him? Maybe we can add [amenity=restaurant] as a filter for the current node?
That doesn't seem right! Combine the filters by putting them next to each other.
node(48.5657094, 13.4490548, 48.5662416, 13.4501676) [natural=tree] [height=20] [amenity=restaurant]; out;